
Si quieres poner en práctica tus conocimientos y desarrollarte en una empresa internacional, déjanos tu currículum. Estamos deseando conocerte.

Sales Representative – Germany

Exlabesa is a world leader in the extrusion of aluminium profiles. We want to make aluminium a solution that allows the world to give it the shape it needs, discovering new ways for industry and architecture, making the impossible more possible.

In order to achieve this goal, we are looking for the best professionals. Are you an active person with a background in sales within aluminium extrusion? Would you like to be our Sales Representative in Germany? Then, read on: you could be our ideal candidate!

We are looking for a Sales Representative for our aluminium industrial branch in Germany, who has a good knowledge of the German market and speaks German, Polish and English fluently.

The responsibilities of the position are the following:

  • Proactively prospecting for new customers and sales opportunities aligned with the marketing strategy and sales plan,
  • To promote and build long-term relationships with existing customers to grow their loyalty
  • Communicating with existing customers on a regular basis.
  • Maintaining and increasing sales volumes assuring area sales goals are achieved.
  • To forecast sales volume potential both in existing and new customers.
  • To resolve customer complaints by investigating problems and developing solutions in direct contact with Quality and Customer Service departments.
  • To liaise with accounting department making sure payment and credit terms are met by the customers.
  • To liaise with technical department to achieve effective management of existing and new business, and problem solving.
  • To gather market information and prepare weekly and monthly sales reports.
  • To support and maintain company working practices and procedures.

Main Liaison and Contacts

  • Exlabesa customers (buying and potential) – industrial centres of Germany;
  • Sales Department in Tułowice, Poland;
  • Exlabesa Management Team;
  • Finance Dept. for credit processing and payments;
  • Production and Logistics Depts. for order processing.


  • 3-5 years experience within the aluminium industry and sales
  • German or Polish citizenship
  • Knowledge of German’s industrial market
  • Fluent in German, Polish and English
  • Residence in Germany (prefered) or Poland
  • Clean driver’s license
  • Technical experience
  • Excellent negotiation and communication skills
  • Organisation of work – travel planning (customers), internal meetings;
  • Promotional and marketing activities in the sales area eg. fairs, proof-reading brochures;
  • Product knowledge and ability to advise on quality matters;
  • To be a highly self-motivated professional and results oriented;
  • High mobility;
  • Travelling to customers (sales area and international) as required;
  • Experienced in managing a sales area or territory;
  • To have the ability to work on one’s own initiative.


This will be a sales agency agreement; commission to be based on sales revenue.

    Si estás interesado/a en desarrollar tu carrera profesional en un entorno dinámico y creativo en el que se impulsa el crecimiento personal, envíanos tu CV y te consideraremos para nuestros procesos de selección.

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    RESPONSABLE: EXLABESA BUILDING SYSTEMS, S.A.U. Y EXLABESA EXTRUSION PADRON S.L. LA FINALIDAD DE LA RECOGIDA DE DATOS: Gestionar la información o consulta realizada a través del formulario Web. LEGITIMACIÓN: Solicitud a través del formulario Web. PLAZO: Sus datos se conservarán, para la prestación de los servicios solicitados. Cumplida esta prestación se guardarán, debidamente bloqueados, según lo que establezca la normativa sectorial vigente. DERECHOS: Usted tiene derecho a retirar el consentimiento para tratar los datos en cualquier momento. La retirada del consentimiento no afectará a la licitud del tratamiento efectuado anteriormente. Puede ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificación, portabilidad, supresión, limitación y oposición dirigiéndose al responsable o enviando un correo electrónico a: marina.magan@exlabesa.com indicando en el asunto "protección de datos”. Si considera que el tratamiento no se ajusta a la normativa vigente, podrá presentar una reclamación ante la autoridad de control en agpd.es. Puede ampliar su información accediendo a nuestra política de privacidad a través del enlace habilitado a tal efecto en el sitio web.

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