
Wenn Sie Ihr Wissen in die Praxis umsetzen und Ihre Karriere in einem internationalen Unternehmen vorantreiben möchten, senden Sie uns Ihren Lebenslauf. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie kennenzulernen.

Transport and logistics coordinator

Exlabesa is a world leader in the extrusion of aluminium profiles. We want to make aluminium a solution that allows the world to give it the shape it needs, discovering new ways for industry and architecture, making the impossible more possible. In order to achieve this goal, we are looking for the best professionals.

Job Purpose Statement/Nature of work

To carry out, manage and oversee day to day logistics activities within the Transport & Logistics Department. Ensuring that all orders are planned, loaded and delivered efficiently to achieve an excellent service to our customer base. Maintaining safe and efficient storage and loading methods. To plan the orders to ensure they are supplied to our customers on time whilst facilitating good communications between Production, Customer Services and the Transport companies.


Main Duties:

  • Ensure that all Health, Safety and Environmental rules are adhered to
  • Ensure that all Company policies, procedures and standards are maintained and communicated to the team
  • Monitor, support and help improve the area’s performance in all categories
  • Monitor Loading methods and handling to ensure safe practices are adhered to and to avoid damage to the buildings and products
  • Achieve the key performance indicators by pro-actively organising the work efficiently and competently
  • Prepare daily loads for transport throughout the UK and Ireland
  • Liaise with and instruct the warehouse operatives of the tasks and priorities to ensure efficiency and to avoid any waiting times
  • To maintain excellent communications with the transport companies and drivers
  • To maintain excellent communications with other departments but in particular the Packing Department, Customer Services and Exlabesa Building Systems
  • Assist in the monthly Stock/WIP Count as well as preparing weekly and monthly KPI reports
  • Manage employee selection, performance, development and training processes to ensure team competencies and capabilities reach the business goals and expectations
  • Deal with any logistics and transport issues in a timely manner
  • Perform other related duties as assigned by the Packing and Transport Manager

    Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, sich in einem dynamischen und kreativen Umfeld weiterzuentwickeln, in dem Ihre persönliche Entwicklung gefördert wird, senden Sie uns Ihren Lebenslauf und wir werden Sie in unserem Auswahlverfahren berücksichtigen.

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